This double page spread is really appealing to the magazines target audience because it is really rock related. You know this because the main image is of a rock icon and if you didn't know this then you can tell that she is a rock singer because of what she is wearing and her appearance. This is appealing to the audience because it relates to there interests but it is also eye catchy because of how big the image is, it nearly takes up one half of the double page spread. The main text is very appealing and unusual. This is because the text is text you would normally use in a ransom note. This is appealing because it is unusual but also because it is big and bulky which automatically catches your eye. The double page spread follows a colour scheme which is black, white and a bit of red. This is appealing to the audience because it has a professional look and doesn't make the magazine look messy it makes it look neat and tidy. The layout of the double page spread is really good. This is because it is very neat and tidy and nothing is crammed together. The layout is also good because there isn't too much text which may put off certain readers as the target audience relates to the younger generation. The headline and the smaller text are placed well and the main image is also placed well because it doesn't overlap over any of the text and is big which makes it appealing but not messy.
This double page spread is really interesting and appealing to its target audience. This is because of the main image that takes up the whole of the two pages. This is appealing to the target audience because they are a well known rock band and this may appeal to certain fans of there. This also appeals because it is really eye catchy because of how big the image is. The image is a really dark image as there all wearing black and the background behind them is also very dull. This allows the magazine people to write over the image in white text which makes it look unique but also more appealing. This is because they haven't had to worry about the image looking odd if it was smaller they have put text over the main image without it making the double page spread look messy. This is a good thing to do because this isn't in every magazine so its there own unique twist. The text is carefully placed onto the main image because they haven't placed it over the main image's faces. If they did do this it wouldn't look professional or presentable as they are the main thing you need to see. The layout of this double page spread is professional looking and presentable because everything is placed in a certain place where everything is readable and you can see everything clearly. This is a good thing because this makes it more appealing to it's target audience because it looks presentable. The fonts are easy to read and the main bold font in the bottom right of the image attracts your eye because it is bigger than all the other text. This certain bit of font is just the correct size because if it was any bigger it would take up too much room and go over the guys face that is apart of the main image.
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