Friday 16 November 2012

Rock Contents Pages

This contents page looks professional but also eye catchy. This is because all of the different rock images all appeal to the audience and look interesting because it's an unusual thing to do on a contents page. This is also appealing because it shows the reader how much different content and a variety of information they have in the magazine. The layout of this contents page is very professional looking. This is because it is all carefully laid out and placed in readable places. The strip of information down the right hand side that consists of all information of what the magazine includes is a very good effect and makes it easier for the reader to read. It makes it easier because it isn't scattered across the page and making it hard to find, it is nicely in a column and ordered. The main title that reads 'Contents' clearly shows that it is a contents page but even if this wasn't here you would still recognise that it is a contents page. The colour scheme of the contents page is black and yellow and this is carried out throughout the contents page. This makes the contents page look professional and presentable to it's readers. This colour scheme would probably also be the same as the colour scheme of the front cover. The font sizes are all the same but if it's a heading then the font size is bigger which makes it clear to the reader that it is a heading. Also the page numbers are written very clear so the reader knows what page number that bit of information is on.

The layout of this contents page is very good and professional looking because as there is a main image on the right of the contents page which is the main story they are trying to promote, and also there is a strip of page numbers and information down the right of the page which states what is on what page. The colour scheme of this contents page is red and white and it follows this throughout the whole of the contents page. This probably means that the front covers colour scheme was also red and white. The fonts that are used on this contents page are all the sam fonts but different sizes. They are different sizes because some of the text are headings therefore the font size needs to be bigger to show the reader and make it clear to the reader that this is a headline. The page numbers are clearly shown to the reader so the reader shouldn't have any problem finding what bit of information is on each page, because the contents page tells them this clearly.

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