The Masthead reads 'Kerrang' and it is big at the top of the magazine front cover. The title kerrang is an onomatopoeia which is the sound of the electric guitar strings when struck. This is black and white as the rock genre is represented by this.The title goes across the full width of the page which catches the audience's eye, as its big and bold. The smash effect on the masthead is very effective as its appealing to the audience because it is unique and different to a usual rock magazine. There is a skyline above the masthead which gives a bit of extra information, but this is also black and white because this follows the colour scheme of the magazine and the rock genre. The slogan says 'Life is loud' which is alliteration and a catchy slogan. This also represents rock music because rock music is loud and heavy. The anchorage text say 'The Amazing Resurrection Of Ville Valo' this is placed well for an anchorage text as it doesn't look messy and in the way of the main image. Although it goes over the main image it doesn't look bad and doesn't make the image look less effective. The anchorage text is also black and white which also follows the rock genre and the colour scheme of the magazine. There is a bar code in the bottom right corner which is well placed as it isn't in the way of anything and doesn't overlap over the picture. Therefore it looks presentable and professional. The main image covers most of the magazine front cover. The subject in the main image is a rock singer, and you know this even if you don't know who he is because of what he is wearing and the look of the subject. He is wearing black and has black eye makeup on which is related to the rock genre. You are automatically drawn to the main image because it is big but also because his eyes are dark and bold which attract the audience. The strip of images down the right hand side of the magazine attract the audience because it has a sell line which reads 'Free Posters'. This attracts this particular audience because the target audience is a younger generation such as teenagers, and they are more likely to have posters on their bedroom wall.

The Masthead of this magazine front cover reads 'Kerrang'. The fact that masthead is covered slightly by the main image of the magazine front cover shows that the magazine company are a big company because they are confident that the readers and the audience will know what magazine company produced this. The smash effect on this masthead is really effective and attracts the audience's eye. The word Kerrang represents the rock genre as it is an onomatopoeia because this is the sound a guitar makes when the strings are struck. The skyline on this magazine runs across the top of the page above the Masthead. This includes an extra bit of information and it looks professional because it isn't to big for a skyline. The layout of the magazine is very professional. This is because it is very carefully laid out and there isn't anything placed in a certain way that makes the magazine not look professional. The layout of the magazine is a traditional layout because the masthead, skyline, bar code and main image is placed in the traditional place a professional magazine would. The main image of the magazine is a picture of a person playing a guitar and is a rock singer or part of a rock band. You know this because of the dress sense and the image of the main image. He looks like a traditional rock start therefore this relates to the theme and purpose of the magazine. This magazine in particular doesn't follow all conventions of a magazine because it doesn't have a slogan. This could be because if there was a slogan included on this magazine it may make the magazine look too crowded as there is little space to add anymore to it without it looking unprofessional. The anchorage text on this magazine is "This is the best show out there" 'Green Day Exclusive U.S. Tour Report'. This anchorage text links to the main image as this is a member of Green Day who are a rock band. This is also a sell line because fans of the rock band Green Day will buy the magazine to see the tour dates and locations of Green Day. The top and bottom bit of text have a green strip behind it because this relates to the band Green Day. The colour scheme of the magazine is green, white and charcoal. The white and charcoal are colours that relate to the rock genre as these colours are associated to rock, however the green on this magazine is used just for this magazine as the main image and story of this issue is the band Green Day. This is why they have used the colour green, but they wouldn't usually use this if the band wasn't Green Day. The bar code on this magazine is in the bottom right of the magazine because then it isn't in the way of the front cover. With it being placed in the bottom right it doesn't take up much room as it has to be shown, but with it being here it doesn't make it look unprofessional.

The masthead of this magazine reads 'Rock Sound' in big bold white writing. The masthead is spread across the width of the magazine. This means it stands out to the audience therefore it catches their eye. The masthead could be white because it can relate to the main image as the main man in the image has white hair. However, I think they chose for the masthead to be white because the main image is a dull and darker image therefore white would stand out on this background. Some of the masthead is slightly covered by the main image which shows that the magazine is a popular rock magazine as they are confident the audience will be able to work out what the masthead says. The main image on this magazine covers all of the magazine and has writing written over it. The main image dominates the magazine which will catch the audience's eye as its so big. With the main image being so big it shows to the reader that this issue is related on the rock band 'My Chemical Romance' which automatically catches the eyes of My Chemical Romance fans. You know that the people in the main image are apart of a rock band because they are on the front cover of a rock magazine but also because of the way they are dressed. They are dressed in dark colours which relates to the rock music genre. The skyline at the top of the front cover which is placed above the masthead looks professional. It looks professional because it isn't too big for a skyline and doesn't overlap over the main image or over any main information that the audience need to know. The skyline in this instance is also a sell line as it has information about a competition that can be entered and rock related prizes can be won. This is a sell line because it attracts the audience to the magazine and may push the person that little further into making the decision of buying the magazine. The layout of this front cover is laid out like a traditional magazine would be. This is because all the main things are placed in the correct places or the places that make the magazine look more appealing and professional to the audience. The bar code is in the bottom right of the page because this means it isn't in the way of any information on the magazine and is out the way making the magazine look better. The masthead and skyline are placed at the top of the page as these are the main things the magazine wants you to read first. The other writing on the front cover of the magazine are laid out in the good way as they are down the right and left side of the page because this means they aren't overlapping the focal point of the main image. If the writing was to do this it wouldn't look presentable and professional to the target audience. The anchorage text of this magazine front cover reads 'My Chemical Romance Songs For The Death'. This anchorage texts relates to the main image of the rock magazine because this is the main focus of the magazine and this will make 'My Chemical Romance' fans more eager to buy the magazine. The colour scheme of this front cover is green and white. This is different to a traditional rock magazine because a traditional rock magazine is normally black and white. This magazine is different to a traditional rock magazine because the main image of it is a dark image therefore if you were to put black text on this magazine it would be difficult for the reader to be able to read the writing, and this wouldn't have as much of an effect on the audience as it does with brighter text. There are a lot of sell lines on this magazine which means that the audience are more interested in buying the magazine. The main sell line of this image is the free poster inside the magazine you get when you purchase it. This is the main sell line because the target audience is teenagers interested in rock music and teenagers are more likely to want a poster to put on their bedroom wall than an adult.