Wednesday 13 March 2013

Questionnaire and Evaluation

Questionnaire and Results


1. What genre of music do you listen to?

2. How often do you buy a music magazine?

3. What is your favourite music genre?

4. How much would you expect a music magazine to cost?

5. How often do you think a magazine company should release an issue?

6. What would you expect to find in a Rock magazine?

7. What colour scheme do you expect a Rock magazine to be?

8. What gender do you expect a rock magazine to appeal to?

Male Female Both

9. Why do you buy a music magazine?

10. Give an example of what you would expect to see in a music magazine

My Research Evaluation

I have learnt a lot from my research as I made 5 questionnaires and gave them out to reliable class mates. They answered my questionnaires honestly which has helped me. This has helped me because it has given me information which will help me produce my final piece. This is because they have told me what I should include in a music magazine and the types of things they want to see. They have given me a better idea of what that age range is interested in music magazines and the reasons why they buy a music magazine. This has also confirmed that the colour scheme I should use is black and white because this relates to the rock genre. The result of my questionnaire is that I now know how to produce my music magazine to appeal to my target audience. These results have affected my construction because I was thinking about using different colour other than black and white for my music magazine, but the majority of the results were just black and white, therefore I am going to make sure I just use a black and white colour scheme throughout the magazine.

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