Tuesday 16 October 2012

Evaluation of My College Magazine Front Cover

My front cover is of a college magazine and it represents college students. The front cover shows that college is fun as the subject/student is playing pool. This gives a good impression to the reader as the main message the magazine front cover gives off is that college looks interesting.

My media product represents a majority of social groups as it doesn't appeal to one certain group of people. This is because the college magazine relates to people who are up for fun and outgoing as the subject/student looks like she is having fun and may be a popular person. It represents people who are college students or are about to be college students as the picture appeals to them and the information on the front of the magazine is college related. I have made my magazine so it appeals to all types of social groups because this means that my magazine is suitable for a wider audience therefore more people will buy the magazine.

The media institution that will distribute my media product would be a company called IPC. This is a media company that produce magazines and is a well known company. This company would publish and distribute my magazine because it will be a hit with college students and people who may be going into college. With the media company being such a big media company this will mean that my magazine will be sold in a lot of shops which means more and more people can see it

The primary audience for my magazine will be college students and people who are about to join college. This is my audience because my magazine is all about college and the activities that go on in a college, and consists of information that may help you and give you an idea of what college will be like. However, there is a secondary audience which consists of parents. This is because they may want to know information about the college they are sending there children to and get an idea for themselves what there child’s college experience will be like. This gives the parents comfort and allows them to know what there child is going into. This means that more people are buying my college magazine.

For my magazine I made sure that the magazine front cover appeals to my audience. To do this I made sure that there was a main image that caught my audience’s eye, and by this I included a student on the front cover which looked like she was having fun. I also made sure that the colours were bright rather than dull as college students and teenagers are appealed towards brighter colours therefore this is also catching there eye. I also made sure that once the magazine has caught there eye and they may begin to read the information on the front cover, that the information was interesting to a college student. By this I made sure it included some serious stuff so they know they come to college to learn, but I also included information that was fun such as the 'pool competition' which lets them know that college isn't all about studying as there are fun activities that go on within the college.

I used Photoshop CS5 which is a programme that allows me to be able to create my front cover of my magazine. I learnt a lot about this programme as it allowed me to be able to create my final piece. I learnt how to layer my magazine, by this I mean that on my front cover of my magazine the main image is in front of the main title, I learn how to do this because of Photoshop and this makes my magazine look more professional. I also changed the colours around and added saturation which Photoshop allowed me to do, but also I took the picture of the college student which included a background behind her, but I cropped this out using the magnetic tool on Photoshop which allowed me to remove the background to add my own in.

I am pleased with my final piece of the magazine front cover as it is appealing to the target audience intended and it looks professional.

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