Monday 17 September 2012

Brief Explanation Of My Project

My name is Jake Bullen and I am currently a student at Bramcote Hills 6 Form who is studying AS Media Studies. For AS Media our preliminary task is to create a college magazine which will have to include a close up of a student with the text and headings a magazine would include.

My perliminary checklist:

- Find and annotate the covers of three college magazines
- Find and annotate the contents pages of two college magazines
- Create a mock up of tge cover for your college magazine
- Create the mock up of your contents page

- Create the cover of my magazine but I must use my own images
- A minimum of four images are required for this coursework
- Screen print your cover and annotate it
- Screen print your contents page and annotate it

My main task:

For my main task I will be creating the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.

I will need to structure this in the same way as i did my preliminary task, so there should be three district sections:

- Planning and Research
- Construction
- Evaluation